
ubi solitudinem faciunt

The modern growth of worldlessness, the withering away of everything between us, can also be described as the spread of the desert. That we live and move in a desert-world was first recognized by Nietzsche, and it was also Nietzsche who made the first decisive mistake in disagnosing it. Like almost all who came after him, he believed that the desert is in ourselves, thereby revealing himself not only as one of the earliest conscious inhabitants of the desert but also, by the same token, as the vicitim of its most terrible illusion. Modern psychology is desert psychology: when we lose the faculty to judge —to suffer and condemn— we begin to think that there is something wrong with us if we cannot live under the conditions of desert life. Insofar as psychology tries to "help" us, it helps us "adjust" to these conditions, taking away our only hope, namely that we, who are not of the desert though we live in it, are able to transform it into a human world. Psychology turns everything topsy-turvy: precisely because we suffer under desert conditions we are still human and still intact; the danger lies in becoming true inhabitants of the desert and feeling at home in it.

Hannah Arendt. The Promise of Politics. Schoken Books (2005).

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